Over the past four years, I’ve had the privilege of producing meaningful ceremonies to honor those who have served and sacrificed for our country. These events include four Memorial Day ceremonies, four Flag Ceremonies on July 4th, and three Veterans Day ceremonies. Each one was designed to remind us all, especially our children, of the profound value of freedom and the people who fought to secure it. I believe that while our nation isn’t perfect, it is always striving to live up to its founding ideals. We owe a deep respect to the men and women who gave their lives for this ongoing pursuit of a “more perfect union.”
Our children need to grow up with an understanding of what it means to be proud of their country. Through these ceremonies, I’ve sought to create opportunities for reflection, reverence, and connection to our shared history. Each flag raised, every name read, and every note of the national anthem was a small but significant act of gratitude. Please take a moment to watch the video montage of our 2023 Memorial Day Ceremony and read the article covering the May 2024 event. These moments matter—and they’re part of the fabric of who we are as Americans.

Paid for by Jeffrey Katz for Santa Ana City Council 2024 FPPC ID #1467072