Santa Ana City Council
Mayor Valerie Amezcua
Councilmember Phil Bacerra
Councilmember David Penaloza
Mayor Valerie Amezcua
Councilmember Phil Bacerra
Councilmember David Penaloza
Austin Lumbard (Tustin)
Will O’Neil (Newport Beach)
Steve Jones (Garden Grove)
Glen Grandis (Fountain Valley)
Tara Campbell (Yorba Linda)
Nicholas Dunlap (Fullerton)
Miguel Pulido (Santa Ana)
Tom Saltarelli (Tustin)
Kevin Muldoon (Newport Beach)
Orange County Fire (IAFF Local 361)
Santa Ana Police Officers
Crime Survivors PAC
Second Chance OC
Lisa Mills (Ward 3)
Brett Franklin (Ward 3)
Tom Lutz
Juan Villegas
Nelida Mendoza
Dr. Kein William, President
Mari Barke, Vice President
Jorge Valdes, Trustee
Dr. Lisa Sparks, Trustee
Danny Vega, Police Oversight
Winston Covington, Community Development
Mario Alvarado, Environment & Transportation
Lorena Vidaurri, Environment & Transportation
Irma Jauregui, Historic Resources
Tim Rush, Historic Resources
Selica Diaz, Parks & Recreation
Carl Benniger, Planning
Desi Reyes (Saddleback View)
Martha Molina Aviles (Riverview)
Katre Kruus (Santa Ana Triangle NA)
Marnie Schnabel (Park Santiago)
Winston Covington (Portola Park)
Judith Goldstein (West Floral Park)
Paul Sanford (Fisher Park)
Joanna Peterson (Case de Santiago)
Christina Dora Smith (Morrison Park)
May Lou Branch (Young Square)
Winston Covington (Meredith Parkwood)
Vic Mendez (The Zoo District)
Craig Kalthoff-Patti (Floral Park)
*On behalf of individuals only. Endorsement should not construed as a Neighborhood Association endorsement.
Jeff approached my husband and I a few months back ( we live in Fisher Park) and i found that he was refreshingly eager to listen to our concerns and questions. We have lived here for 2 1/2 years, prior to that we lived near downtown Orange for 34 years. We were pretty active in local politics in orange, so when we moved here I pretty much sat back to see how things worked. I am appalled by how poorly represented this part of Santa Ana is on the council. I think Jeff will do a good job, and it’s time for the rest of us to step in and make our voices heard as well. I think he will do a good job.”
I don’t know how anyone could vote for someone other than Jeff Katz. The law has been used against our neighborhoods for decades now, with little action from representatives who claim to support us. It’s time to elect someone who can use the law to help our neighborhoods. Jeff has been an attorney for over 30 years and is the person to do this. He’s got my vote!
Jeff Katz has our vote for those exact reasons! Honest conversation regarding the shear facts and truths of what is really going on in our city ….not political rhetoric . He is refreshing!”
After chatting with Jeff a few weeks ago in the ‘hood about different things I went through his website in detail. We had talked about everyone in SA deserving a better quality of life regardless of address or zip code. Jeff covers it and more. You’ll know exactly where he stands on a host of topics. In addition to his own info he provides links to other candidates to compare/contrast their positions which is rarely if ever done. Jeff knows the potential that Santa Ana can achieve and is someone who will engage and strategize with the right people to see this vision completed. Plus he’s one of the coolest Katz in the neighborhood (couldn’t resist).
Yes! Jeff Katz is the candidate for that. He is seeing Santa Ana thru our eyes . He is eager to deal with issues.